Ethos and Values
Our priority at Whetley Academy is to deliver high quality teaching and learning with real and relevant learning experiences. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum which builds enthusiasm for learning and equips children for the next stage of their education and indeed later life. We have the greatest aspirations for all and seek to foster lively, enquiring minds, encouraging our children to have a thirst for learning. We work closely with children to develop a growth mindset and build self-confidence so that they can become independent and resilient learners. We are committed to ensuring that all children aspire to the highest levels of personal achievement and development.
At Whetley, we offer all children equal access to the curriculum and school life in a community where individual differences are celebrated and appreciated. Pupils develop an understanding of the diverse society in which they live and appreciate that everyone is an individual in their own right. Partnerships with parents are highly valued and we work together with families to develop responsible and mindful citizens. For staff, we provide a supportive culture in which all are encouraged to develop, extend and share their expertise;
British Values
The Department for Education state that there is a need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and we promote these values as follows.
At Whetley, children have many opportunities for their voices to be heard such as opportunities to steer learning within the curriculum. We have Pupil Voice who help to plan and lead termly fund raising events and the children work alongside school council representatives to develop ideas and decide where the funds will go. Our Pupil Voice group meets regularly to discuss issues and liaise with classes.
The Rule of Law
Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, and children are aware of their rights and responsibilities. All classes agree a class charter at the start of the new year and are aware of their responsibilities. They know that there are consequences if they do not act responsibly just as there are consequences in life if a law is broken. The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced.
Individual Liberty
We believe that individual choice is a key motivating factor and we provide countless opportunities for children to make choices whether it be through choice of challenge, choice of scaffold or resources, choice of learning partners or choice of an area of learning that they are particularly interested in. Pupils are given the freedom to make choices within a safe and secure environment.
Mutual Respect
Respect is one of our ‘values for life’ and assemblies and class discussions reinforce the meaning and importance of this value. Respect is promoted through all that we do in classrooms, in the playground, in sport and in the community. Pupils understand that respect should be shown to all regardless of their culture, faith or beliefs.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
By upholding our value of respect children demonstrate tolerance of those who have different faiths and beliefs. We celebrate cultural diversity. Assemblies and coverage of the PSCHE and RE curriculum offer opportunities to discuss and explore different beliefs, traditions and customs. As a result, our pupils gain a sound understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society.